Work Green, Play Green, Live Green is the motto of the Green Festival held at the Fort Mason Center. The event hosts hundreds of brands and businesses aiming to showcase their products’ unique characteristics falling under either of the 3 categories from the mantra. Zouq’s presence was fully justified thanks to the brand having an environmentally friendly signature due to its packaging and content.
WHERE: San Francisco, CA
WHEN: November 14-16, 2014
The Green Festival is an annual event which is only 13 years old. Zouq created a ripple by being an exotic snack food company present at an event which was focused more towards local brands. The exotic tastes of the Asian continent left visitors asking questions about its origins and the ingredients that composed the flavorful morsels that were phantom to so many. Even people who had had Indian food were left coming back for seconds or thirds thanks to the unique flavor that captured their attention and convinced them to bring along their friends for a nibble as well.